The Possibilities are Endless!

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What we do

Contact us to determine how we might best support your business needs!

Consider beginning with a quick phone call or a meeting to discuss your situation and your fit with the Shade's Mills Group as a solution provider.

We Specialize in Business to Business Sales:

  • Sales Models
  • Sales Strategies
  • Sales Transformation
  • Sales Management
  • Sales Methodology
  • Sales Enablement
  • Margin & Profitability

Type of Clients Served:

  • Wholesale Distributors
  • Distribution Buying Group
  • Manufacturers
  • Research/Analytics Firms
  • University MBA Program
  • Individuals - One on One Coaching/Mentoring Sessions

We Offer Canada-Wide Capability:

We are pleased to have associates in the form of DTD Management in Calgary and Ventes de Normand Giard in Montreal to extend our reach and services in a cost effective fashion.

We Offer a Comprehensive Sales Strategy Assessment:

Please go to our "Engage with Us" page to send an inquiry to ask about our sales strategy assessment.  By completing a simple form and participating in a brief phone interview, we can complete an assessment on your sales approach and provide insights and suggestions for areas of focus, change and enhancement.

Bespoke Approaches:

Hire a Sales Manager - an alternate approach can be contracting Tom for a weekly, monthly, or quarterly session with your sales team.  Big corporate sales management experience in affordable increments!

Personal coaching and mentoring - for yourself or a leader on your team.  One on one coaching sessions with Tom are a "safe haven" for discussing career development or working through issues or problems.


Be sure to visit our Blog and our LinkedIn Page for information around sales and leadership related topics!