Offer from Integriy Leads

A Special Offer on Lead Generation!

by Tom Fournier I have long enjoyed working with John MacKenzie of Integrity Leads. I am very impressed with his knowledge of selling in a B2B environment and the professionalism of his company’s approach. I have succcessfully referred clients onto Integrity and they have experienced success. I would like to give more of you the…

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Tom Fournier and MarketsConnection

Tom Fournier & MarketsConnection

In this video, Tom talks about where he is at with the Shade’s Mills Group and what is MarketsConnection.

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marketsconnection launch

MarketsConnection – We are Launching!

At long last we are launching a live site! Well almost. This is a beta launch. The site is live.  There are real products available for sale from a vendor. Once we see that there have been successful sales and we apply the learnings from those sales, we will add more products through a second…

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First case shipped

MarketsConnection – What is Next?

It has been a year in the works, but we have finally been able to generate a sale, create a shipping label, arrange an order pickup, and have that order delivered to the purchasing customer. So, we are good to go right? Not so fast. Our approach this time was to do the work and…

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tom and linda at a networking event

The Value of Business Networking

At this point we have or are steadily moving out from the shadow of COVID. I am not saying it is gone.  In a business context we need to get on with building and sustaining our businesses. One important business building activity is business networking. Not only is it enjoyable but it is also critical…

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ChatGPT logo

ChatGPT – What is the Buzz?

ChatGPT is a chatbot created by OpenAI to interact in a conversational fashion. Out of no where, this has been generating headlines and I thought I would check it out by asking some questions around one of my favourite topics, multi vendor marketplaces!

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History Symposium Annual Conference

Volunteer Work – My Laboratory for Learning

There are several organizations for which I volunteer.  I do this because they are meaningful to me and I know my involvement can contribute to their success.  Along the way, I have discovered that there is much to be learned in terms of business skills through volunteer work. Take an example, learning to lead.  How…

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Notes Around Top Performing Distributors

I recently sat in on a webinar hosted by an industry business strategy giant. They were talking about top performing/outperforming distribution and sharing some insights around their study of them. I had my pen out and jotted some notes and will share them here as rough as they may be.They see manufacturers continuing to build…

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Tom Fournier at ISSA

Field Trip Report – ISSA Chicago

I feel like a school kid writing a report on a recent field trip! I did travel to Chicago in October, 2022 for the annual ISSA Show. For those not in the industry, ISSA is the International Sanitary Supplies Association also known as the Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association.  This is where I have spent my…

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MarketsConnection Logo

MarketsConnection. What is this all about?

By Tom Fournier ***Update March 23, 2023*** We have processed a real sale and were able to generate a shipping label and schedule the delivery pickup. It appears at long last we can move forward! Next step is to flesh out the site properly and set up our first complete vendor store. *** Update February…

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